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    CPFBI 2nd Generation emerged into the army world in May,2011. We aim to have fun and abolish Club Penguin of armies that are a true disgrace.

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Join the FBI

So you’ve seen what we can do. You know we are a great army. And you want to be part of it all. Well you can! Just sign up by correctly answering this quiz! [Don’t worry, it isn’t hard AT ALL :mrgreen:

Penguin Name :

How many armies have you been in?

What were your ranks in those armies?

What armies have you been in? 

Do you PROMISE to be active and come to events?

How did you find this site? (Ex. Google, Bing, CPUN, CPAE, CPSMAC, CPMAC, ext) :

Thank you for joining Club Penguin Federal Bureau of Investigation, you have made us stronger by one more soldier.

48 Responses

  1. Penguin Name :

    How many armies have you been in?
    What were your ranks in those armies?

    What armies have you been in?
    You know PB, SW, Star Warriors, ect

    Do you PROMISE to be active and come to events?
    You know me.

    How did you find this site? (Ex. Google, Bing, CPUN, CPAE, CPSMAC, CPMAC, ext) :

    I know you. DUH!!

    PS: 1st comment 😀

  2. Penguin Name :Iceberg Ice1
    How many armies have you been in?idk lik 1 old cpfbi… other ones they didnt even add me to the ranks or i got removed from the ranks >:/ cuz i was unactive XP not theyre prob
    What were your ranks in those armies? 4ic
    What armies have you been in? OLD CPFBI!!!
    Do you PROMISE to be active and come to events?hmmm yea… depends unless im REALLY busy
    How did you find this site? SP1

  3. Penguink2
    How many armies have you been in?Almost a billion
    What were your ranks in those armies? Leader, General, and other high ones
    What armies have you been in? FN (Fire Ninjas), SW (Snow Warriors), IW (Ice Warriors) (not anymore because the site shut down and everything got confusing), BFA (Bacon Flavored Army) (not anymore it died), AOD (Army Of Darkness) (It died too)
    Do you PROMISE to be active and come to events?Yes

    Can I be another 4ic or 5ic?

  4. 1.Chris or Kkabc123
    2.A bunch ugh all retired though
    IV 2ic
    TG 4ic
    BFA Co-Leader
    IW Major General
    Advisor in old CPFBI
    SW Leader
    Pretzels 3ic
    A lot of other armies I was owner rank in blah blah blah
    3.Just said
    6.Old site

  5. Penguin Name : Alex Cone

    How many armies have you been in? hmmm i’d say around 11

    What were your ranks in those armies? a variety. I was
    Sky Troops:leader/creator
    Snow Warriors: leader
    Nachos: major
    Light Troops: Light Brigadier
    Purple Heads: former 2ic(steped down to mod)
    CPFBI: i don’t remember xD
    and others

    What armies have you been in? Sky Troops, Nachos, Ice Warriors, Earth Warriors, CPFBI, Snow Warriors, Purple Heads, Light Troops, CP Rangers, Fire Troops(dead), Golden Warriors 2G(dead).

    Do you PROMISE to be active and come to events?
    I will do my best

    How did you find this site? (Ex. Google, Bing, CPUN, CPAE, CPSMAC, CPMAC, ext) :
    SP1 showed it to me, and i was in CPFBI gen 1

  6. Penguin Name: Lollypoppa10
    How many armies have you been in: IDK but now I am in 6
    What were your ranks in those armies: Very varied. High member, low mod, high mod but I am 3ic in one army, 2ic in 2 armies and 1ic in 1 army

  7. Penguin Name: Lollypoppa10
    How many armies have you been in: IDK but now I am in 6
    What were your ranks in those armies: Very varied. High member, low mod, high mod but I am 3ic in one army, 2ic in 2 armies and 1ic in 1 army
    What armies have you been in: I was in Shadow troops and pies but quit. I am now in Ducks, Grapes, Tacos, Nachos, Global Defenders and Dragons
    Do you promise to be acitve and come to events:I will try my very hardest! 😀
    How did you find this site: Saw a vid on youtube

  8. Penguin Name :
    How many armies have you been in?
    What were your ranks in those armies?

    What armies have you been in?
    Do you PROMISE to be active and come to events?
    yes i promise
    How did you find this site?
    one of my freinds superpal1

  9. 1.two
    2.regular member
    3.snow warriors & 1st gen
    5.first gen (found first gen through snow warriors)

  10. Penguin Name :

    How many armies have you been in?

    What were your ranks in those armies?

    What armies have you been in? None,But I Want To Be In Jedis Of Cp(AW)

    Do you PROMISE to be active and come to events?I Will Try To Do My Best

    How did you find this site? (Ex. Google, Bing, CPUN, CPAE, CPSMAC, CPMAC, ext) :Link On The Website Of AW

  11. 1.Golden280
    3.Idk 14/17 mod 1/17 member 2/17 Owner
    4.Blue Puffles,CP Crew,Cowboys,Water Warriors,Water Bandits,Black Team,Team Black,Millionaires,Freeze,Republic Freedom Fighters,Fire Vikings,Parkas Army,Ranger Troops,Oreos,Air Strikes,Light Troops.
    5.Gonna try.
    6.First Generation.

  12. Penguin Name :
    How many armies have you been in?
    About 100
    What were your ranks in those armies?
    Creator,Commander,Field Agent…
    What armies have you been in?
    Do you PROMISE to be active and come to events?
    Yes,when i can
    How did you find this site? (Ex. Google, Bing, CPUN, CPAE, CPSMAC, CPMAC, ext) :Hmmmmm…Google,JCP,SW,etc.

  13. Can I Join?I wrote the thing,but you didnt answer

  14. 1.pop3468
    2. yes and a lot
    3.nw lieutenant,air strikes wingman something i think (owner),nachos private,storm warriors mod,swat major,the other swat i forgot,greek empire private,cp fbi 1g corparal,sky troops 3ic,jw 1st lieutenant,fire penguins i forgot,and probably much more.
    5.cp fbi 1g

  15. Penguin Name :Simon6789

    How many armies have you been in?7 I think

    What were your ranks in those armies?Snow warriors 3ic Nachos Lieutenant WW captain
    Dark warrior rank dark warrior
    What armies have you been in? Nachos,Acp,Snow warriors WW,DW

    Do you PROMISE to be active and come to events?
    How did you find this site? (Ex. Google, Bing, CPUN, CPAE, CPSMAC, CPMAC, ext) Snow warriors

  16. Would you like to be allies with Agent Spy Sheep of Club Penguin? If you are interested in this offer, please contact me http://agentspysheep.wordpress.com Just comment there on the latest post or under the A&E page. Thank you.

    -Blue Cutie1 (Agent Spy Sheep of Club Penguin Leader)

  17. Penguin Name :ghost951
    How many armies have you been in?1
    What were your ranks in those armies?rookie
    What armies have you been in? junk warriors
    Do you PROMISE to be active and come to events?yes
    How did you find this site?

  18. penguin name ferret129
    armies 5 or 6
    leader,coleader,major genral 2nd litenet
    cw cpfbi, ferretwarriors, furry warrios ice warrios and others i dont rember
    ill try my hardest
    old site

  19. Name Dodo234

    Armies: Snow warriors , Cpfbi, sky troops, IV

    Ranks SW highest mod retired (HOF),Cpfbi 3ic Retired and rejoining to what ever , st 2ic or 3ic Retired , IV ?



  20. 1: Dj Pingy8
    2: 4 armies
    3: Sergeant,Ranger,Field Major,Master Sergeant.
    4: ACP,Nachos,Army Republic,Global Defenders.
    5: I will try to
    6: I was just looking through different armies’ Allies & Enemies page…

  21. Penguin Name : Anna1090
    How many armies have you been in? 1
    What were your ranks in those armies? Private
    What armies have you been in? Snow Warriors
    Do you PROMISE to be active and come to events? I’ll try as hard as I can
    How did you find this site? (Ex. Google, Bing, CPUN, CPAE, CPSMAC, CPMAC, ext) : Well, you’re on the SW blogroll, so I clicked and came 🙂

  22. Agent Bearen
    1-5 armies
    Lieutenant, Major, Captain, Head General, Leader

  23. How many armies have you been in?
    What were your ranks in those armies?
    Leader,Leader,Leader,Leader, Lt. Colonel, Unofficial member
    What armies have you been in?
    4 armies of mine that sucked, ACP, Nachos
    Do you PROMISE to be active and come to events?
    How did you find this site? (Ex. Google, Bing, CPUN, CPAE, CPSMAC, CPMAC, ext) :
    CPUN,CPAE,CPSMAC,CPMAC,CPAA (I hear you everyday.)

  24. Penguin Name :Patrick 302

    How many armies have you been in?5

    What were your ranks in those armies?Leader Collel and no rank.

    What armies have you been in?Fire Force,Tornado Force,ACP,Ghost Vikings,Water Vikings

    Do you PROMISE to be active and come to events?

    How did you find this site? (Ex. Google, Bing, CPUN, CPAE, CPSMAC, CPMAC, ext) :

  25. Penguin Name :Patrick 302

    How many armies have you been in?5

    What were your ranks in those armies?
    Leader Collel and no rank
    What armies have you been in? Fire Force,Tornado Force,ACP,Ghost Vikings,Water Vikings

    Do you PROMISE to be active and come to events?Yes

    How did you find this site? (Ex. Google, Bing, CPUN, CPAE, CPSMAC, CPMAC, ext) :Google

  26. Hello. I am The Salesman. I have been in this army in the 1st generation, and Declared one of the most active solidiers. I am here just to inform you that If you ever need back up, Just call me……….

    P.S. It’s hard to get me.

  27. Penguin Name : Kowalski711

    How many armies have you been in? 5

    What were your ranks in those armies? kcp 2nd in cammand acp 2nd lt nachos lt and universal marines master sargent

    What armies have you been in? kcp acp nachos and umcp

    Do you PROMISE to be active and come to events?
    How did you find this site? (Ex. Google, Bing, CPUN, CPAE, CPSMAC, CPMAC, ext) :
    A frend told me about it

  28. Penguin Name :Ohcrazyme

    How many armies have you been in?1

    What were your ranks in those armies?Privite

    What armies have you been in? RPF

    Do you PROMISE to be active and come to events?Yes

    How did you find this site?My classmate

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